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Lazada Indonesia

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

cara paling ampuh membaca pikiran seseorang

halooo teman-teman disini saya akan membagikan sedikit ilmu tentang psikologi .............. pada dasarnya ilmu psikologi sangat penting bagi manusia karena dapat mengetahui sikap lawan bicara nya dan dapat respect terhadap tindakan yg diluar dugaan. ok........... this is my original article and enjoy it :) selamat membaca brother :)

1. Pegang kontrol Untuk membaca pikiran orang lain, hal yang paling mudah anda lakukan adalah dengan mencoba memegang kontrol terhadap segala sesuatu di sekeliling anda berdua. Mulai dari lingkungan, topik pembicaraan, hingga posisi bicara anda. Untuk lebih memahami lawan bicara anda dan membaca pikirannya, cobalah ganti hal-hal yang anda kontrol. Misalnya, mengganti topik pembicaraan, mengubah posisi duduk, mengusulkan berbagai hal-hal baru, dan sebagainya. Jika orang tersebut tampak antusias berarti ia ingin meninggalkan kondisinya saat ini. Sebaliknya, jika ia tampak enggan dan ragu-ragu, maka itu berarti ia lebih menyukai keadaannya sekarang.

klik read more apabila ingin melihat lebih banyak....

Sunday, February 8, 2015

the most think to safe the live

For carbon emissions, this means reducing the CO2 contribution of each and every one of the six and a half billion people on the planet. But what can you, as an individual person or family, do that will most make a difference to the big picture? Here are my top ten action items, which are both simple to achieve and have a real effect. They are ranked by how much impact they make to ‘kicking the CO2 habit’.
1. Make climate-conscious political decisions. Some commentators said that the 2007 Australian Federal election was the first to be strongly influenced by the stance made by competing political parties on climate change. Regardless of how true this may be, it is obvious that the strong and urgent action needed to combat climate change will require a healthy dose of political will, and the courage to make tough choices. This willpower comes from voters, who consistently demand real action and can see through ‘greenwashing’ (pretend ‘solutions’ and half-measures that do not do the job). Climate change should be a totally non-partisan issue since it affects all people and all countries. If climate change is not perceived by both sides of politics as a ‘core issue’, it will inevitably be marginalised by apparently more immediate concerns. So assess policies clearly, and make your vote count towards real climate solutions – each and every election. This is the only way a global solution can be put in place, in time.

membuat kompos murah yang ampuh

berbagai fakta tentang kesehatan dan lingkungan MEMBUAT KOMPOS AMPUH DAN PALING MUDAH halo teman - teman halo my friends :) kali ini saya akan menjelaskan materi tentang pembuatan kompos sederhana langsung saja kita intip yuuk ..!!!!! Sampah organik dibagi dua yaitu PEMBUATA KOMPOS DARI SAMPAH ORGANIK RUMAH TANGGA : Sampah Organik Hijau (sisa sayur mayur dari dapur) Contohnya : tangkai/daun singkong, papaya, kangkung, bayam, kulit terong, wortel, labuh siam, ubi, singkong, kulit buah-buahan, nanas, pisang, nangka, daun pisang, semangka, ampas kelapa, sisa sayur / lauk pauk, dan sampah dari kebum (rumput, daun-daun kering/basah). Sampah Organik Hewan yang dimakan seperti ikan, udang, ayam, daging, telur dan sejenisnya. INGATLAH SESUATU YANG MENURUT KITA SUDAH TIDAK TERPAKAI MASIH BERMANFAAT UNTUK ORANG LAIN DAN SESUATU YANG ADA DI MUKA BUMI INI PASTI ADA MANFAATNYA !!!!!!! Alternatif 1 : (Takakura) ISI KERANJANG KOMPOS CARA PENGGUNAAN 1. Dua buah bantal berisi sekam KERANJANG KOMPOS 2. Karton sebagai dinding 3. Mikroorganisma pengurai sebagai aktivator /Stater : air leri/air beras, jus tape, E4 4. Sampah organik terutama pada Daun/sisa sayuran. 5. Kain gelap sebagai penutup

Saturday, February 7, 2015

berbagai fakta tentang kesehatan dan lingkungan

MEMBUAT KOMPOS AMPUH DAN PALING MUDAH halo teman - teman halo my friends :) kali ini saya akan menjelaskan materi tentang pembuatan kompos sederhana langsung saja kita intip yuuk ..!!!!! Sampah organik dibagi dua yaitu PEMBUATA KOMPOS DARI SAMPAH ORGANIK RUMAH TANGGA : Sampah Organik Hijau (sisa sayur mayur dari dapur) Contohnya : tangkai/daun singkong, papaya, kangkung, bayam, kulit terong, wortel, labuh siam, ubi, singkong, kulit buah-buahan, nanas, pisang, nangka, daun pisang, semangka, ampas kelapa, sisa sayur / lauk pauk, dan sampah dari kebum (rumput, daun-daun kering/basah). Sampah Organik Hewan yang dimakan seperti ikan, udang, ayam, daging, telur dan sejenisnya. INGATLAH SESUATU YANG MENURUT KITA SUDAH TIDAK TERPAKAI MASIH BERMANFAAT UNTUK ORANG LAIN DAN SESUATU YANG ADA DI MUKA BUMI INI PASTI ADA MANFAATNYA !!!!!!!
Alternatif 1 : (Takakura) ISI KERANJANG KOMPOS CARA PENGGUNAAN 1. Dua buah bantal berisi sekam KERANJANG KOMPOS 2. Karton sebagai dinding 3. Mikroorganisma pengurai sebagai aktivator /Stater : air leri/air beras, jus tape, E4 4. Sampah organik terutama pada Daun/sisa sayuran. 5. Kain gelap sebagai penutup 1. Keranjang dilapisi dengan karton dengan diikat menggunakan bendrat/kawat sebagai dinding 2. Bagian bawah/dasar bantal sekam/sabut 3. Sampah organik dicacah/dipotong 2 – 4cm , dicampur Mikroorganisma pengurai sebagai aktivator /Stater kemudian dimasukkan kedalam keranjang. 4. Setelah hampir penuh ditutup dengan bantal sekam/sabut dan ditutup dengan kain gelap kemudian keranjang ditutup kembali
CARA UNTUK MENCACAH/MEMOTONG SAMPAH ORGANIK 1.Pakai alas banner/plastik yang lebar 2.Balok untuk alas pencacah 3.Pisau/golok yang tajam 4.Hasil cacahan dicampur dengan stater sampai rata MERAWAT DAN MEMANEN TAKAMURA CARA PERAWATAN CARA MEMANENNYA 1. Hindarkan dari terik sinar matahari langsung 2. Hindari dari air hujan/ditaruh ditempat yang teduh 3. 4-5 hari sekali keranjang dilihat apakah komposnya sudah kering 4. Kalau sudah kering dibasahi lagi dengan air lakukan terus sampai seluruh sampah menjadi hitam, hancur. NEXT 1. Kalau sudah menjadi seperti tanah dipanaskan/dijemur sebentar kemudian diayak 2. Kemudian dipak dalam plasik sesuai dengan kebutuhan 3. Ditmpatkan di tempat yang teduh 4. Bisa digunakan sebagai stater awal pembuatan komposAlternatif 2 : (Komposter) Alat: Cara membuat 1. Wadah drum, ember plastik atau gentong 2. Wadah diberi lubang didasarnya dan sampir untuk air lindi dan pertukaran udara. : 1. Bahan sampah yang sudah dicacah dimasukkan didalam wadah, kemudian dicampur kompos atau mikroorganisma pengurai/stater. 2. Lakukan terus menerus selapis demi selapis sampai wadah penuh 3. Disiram dengan air secara merata. 4. Pada hari ke 5 -7, media dapat diaduk-aduk. Pengadukan diulang dan dihentikan sampai sampah menjadi hitam dan hancur. 5. Sampah telah berubah menjadi kompos.Alternatif 3 (Kompos RT Lahan Luas) Membuat Kompos dari Sampah Bagi Rumah Tangga yang Memiliki Lahan. Ini merupakan jika memiliki lahan (tanah) kosong. 1. Gali tanah sedalam 50-100 cm. Lubang dibuat dengan jarak minimal 10 meter dari sumur untuk menghindari tercemarnya sumur. 2. Isi lubang dengan sampah organik yang telah dicacah. 3. Tutup atau taburi sampah dengan tanah secara berkala untuk mengurangi bau. 4. Jika telah penuh, tutup lubang dengan tanah. 5. Setelah tiga bulan, lubang dapat digali. Hasil galian dapat digunakan sebagai kompos sedangkan lubangnya dapat digunakan untuk membuat kompos kembali. CATATAN : 1. Pengaturan suhu merupakan faktor penting dalam pengomposan. 2. Salah satu faktor yang sangat menentukan suhu adalah tingginya tumpukan. Tumpukan lahan yang terlalu rendah akan berakibat cepatnya kehilangan panas. Ini disebabkan tidak adanya cukup material untuk menahan panas yang dilepaskan sehingga mikroorganisma tidak akan berkembang secara wajar. Sebaliknya bila timbunan terlalu tinggi, akan terjadi kepadatan bahan organic yang diakibatkan oleh berat bahan sehingga suhu menjadi sangat tinggi dan tidak ada udara di dalam timbunan. 3. Tinggi timbunan yang memenuhi syarat adalah 1,2 – 2,0 meter dan suhu ideal selama proses pengomposan adalah 40 derajat-50 derajat C. 4. Untuk mempercepat terjadinya proses pengomposan, maka pH timbunan harus diusahakan tidak terlalu rendah. Namun, pH timbunan yang rendah dapat dicegah dengan pemberian kapur, abu dapur atau abu kayu. 5. Bahan mentah yang baik untuk penguraian atau perombakan berkadar air 50 – 70 %. Bahan dari hijauan biasanya tidak memerlukan tambahan air, sedangkan cabang tanaman yang kering atau rumput-rumputan harus diberi air saat dilakukan penimbunan. Kelembaban timbunan secara menyeluruh diusahakan sekitar 40 – 60 %. 6. Pada saat pengomposan akan timbul asap dari panas yang dikeluarkan. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan timbunan bahan menjadi kering. Agar hal ini dapat diketahui sedini mungkin, ke dalam timbunan perlu ditancapkan bambu panjang.HASIL DARI MEDIA KOMPOS MARI KITA PRAKTEK BERSAMA-SAMA ITULAH ULASAN TENTANG CARA PEMBUATAN KOMPOS YANG BENAR MELALUI WEB INI MUDAH MUDAHAN BERMANFAAT BAGI SESAMA

Sunday, February 1, 2015


For carbon emissions, this means reducing the CO2 contribution of each and every one of the six and a half billion people on the planet. But what can you, as an individual person or family, do that will most make a difference to the big picture? Here are my top ten action items, which are both simple to achieve and have a real effect. They are ranked by how much impact they make to ‘kicking the CO2 habit’.
1. Make climate-conscious political decisions. Some commentators said that the 2007 Australian Federal election was the first to be strongly influenced by the stance made by competing political parties on climate change. Regardless of how true this may be, it is obvious that the strong and urgent action needed to combat climate change will require a healthy dose of political will, and the courage to make tough choices. This willpower comes from voters, who consistently demand real action and can see through ‘greenwashing’ (pretend ‘solutions’ and half-measures that do not do the job). Climate change should be a totally non-partisan issue since it affects all people and all countries. If climate change is not perceived by both sides of politics as a ‘core issue’, it will inevitably be marginalised by apparently more immediate concerns. So assess policies clearly, and make your vote count towards real climate solutions – each and every election. This is the only way a global solution can be put in place, in time. ................................................................................................................................... 2. Eat less red meat. Traditional red meat comes from ruminant livestock such as cattle and sheep. These animals produce large amounts of methane, which is a greenhouse gas that packs 72 times the punch of CO2 over a 20 year period. Other types of meat, such as chicken, pork or kangaroo, produce far less emissions. At average levels of consumption, a family’s emissions from beef would easily outweigh the construction and running costs of a large 4WD vehicle, in less than 5 years. There is no need to cut out red meat entirely, but fewer steaks and snags mean far less CO2. ................................................................................................................................. 3. Purchase “green electricity“. The future of energy clearly likes in renewable sources such as solar, wind and wave power and ‘hot rocks’. Even without climate change, there are limits to available oil, natural gas and coal. ‘Green power’ is electricity that comes from these technologies, but is delivered to you in the same way as ‘dirty power’ from fossil-fuel burning. That is, down your power lines. You can buy enough to replace your entire energy usage, or some fraction (I recommend going for 100%; the cost is a few more cents per kilowatt hour of electricity). Most energy suppliers now offer this service and will purchase energy from green sources that is equivalent to what you use. As more people take up this scheme, it will drive ever greater investment in these technologies, reduce cost of delivery, and so further hasten the pace of update. It’s a feedback, and you can be the catalyst of change. [Note some problems with GreenPower here] ........................................................................................................................
4. Make your home and household energy efficient. We all unthinkingly leave lights on when we are not in the room, or switch off the TV by the remote instead of at the wall, fire up the heater on when we could put on an extra layer of clothing, or turn on the air conditioner when we could open the window and turn on a fan. It’s force of habit – a bad habit we can break, with just a little thought. Behaviour change lies at the heart of most individual actions on reducing our individual carbon footprint. By being sensible about your use household energy use, and making sure your house is well insulated, you can make a huge dent in your CO2 emissions. Oh, and it will save you plenty money that you no longer spend on wasted energy, year in, year out. 5. Buy energy and water efficient appliances. Aside from behavioural change, we can invest in more sensible technologies that help us in our day to day lives. When buying new electronic appliances, air conditioners or washing machines, look at their energy and water usage. The more energy efficient they are, the more they’ll save you in the long run, and the lower their CO2 impact will be. In most cases the ‘payback period’ – the difference between the initial cost of a high versus low efficiency appliance and the long-term savings in lower electricity and water bills, is only a matter of a few months to a few years. After that, you are laughing all the way to the bank, and doing something meaningful to combat climate change at the same time.
6. Walk, cycle or take public transport. Cars are not only a slow way to get to work when you’re faced with a city gridlock – they are also a huge user of oil (which is running out globally) and cost the tax payer heft amounts in road building and maintenance. Getting people from A to B using trains, buses, bikes and on foot is much more greenhouse friendly, and often considerably cheaper. The main problem right now with public transport is that because not enough people use it, there is not enough investment by government to improve the quality of service and capacity to support large volumes of commuters. It might seem like a Catch-22, but some cities have solved the dilemma and now move most of their people about on public transport. So start patronising your public transport network, and push governments at all levels for some decent bicycle and walking trails instead of building more and more roads for cars and worrying incessantly about fuel costs. The transition to a new transport system has to start with each and every one of us.
7. Recycle, re-use and avoid useless purchases. We throw too much away and still re-cycle too little of what we must discard. Large amounts of energy and water go into producing endless amounts of ‘stuff’, much of which we don’t really need or end up using. So be sure to use your local recycling service, for plastics, metals and paper. Try to get appliances and tools fixed rather than replaced – the carbon footprint of fixing things is far lower than making them from scratch. Avoid the temptation to buy useless trinkets and knick-knacks, just because it feels good to accumulate things. There are limits to everything, including, most importantly, the ability of the planet to supply people with an ever burgeoning supply of raw materials. Think sustainability. 8. Telecommute and teleconference. Do you really need to fight your way through traffic each and every day, just to sit at your office desk and work on your computer? Do you need to fly to a business meeting in another capital city in order to talk to your colleagues? Or can you think inventively and make best use of the benefits of the Internet to do some of this remotely? Telecommuting can be an effective way of doing ‘paperwork’ in your home office and more and more employers are seeing the benefits of this and embracing the concept. Teleconferences mean less wasted aeroplane trips, which create a huge CO2 burden. It can’t always be done, but even a few less trips, here and there, add up to make a big difference. As with the other 10 points, it is about making smart and informed choices when you have options.
9. Buy local produce. Food miles are now firmly part of the new carbon lingo. This is a way of expressing how far an item of food has travelled before it reaches your dinner table, and therefore how much CO2 has been emitted during freighting. A better concept is probably ‘embodied energy’, which takes account of all the carbon, water and energy that goes into producing any food or manufactured item. Either way, a good rule of thumb is that if you buy something that has been produced locally, it will usually have a lower CO2 tag attached to it. Your local fresh food market is a good place to start for your food shopping. Buying -made manufactured and food products from your town is another carbon-friendly option. Both will make a difference to your climate change impact, and help the local economy. Another win-win choice.
10. Offset what you can’t save. Avoiding the release of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, in the ways described above, is by far the best and most direct way or reducing our climate change impact. Yet some emissions are unavoidable. For those, offsetting is a worthwhile option. This is done by purchasing ‘carbon credits’ from accredited companies which offer this service, who will then invest those dollars in (for instance) renewable energy projects or planting trees. Carbon offsets should definitely not be seen as the solution, or as a relatively pain-free way to expel your carbon guilt. There is nowhere near enough offsetting potential in the world for this to be an option for most of the world’s population. But in conjunction with other methods of kicking the CO2 habit, offsets can help make a difference and allow you to pay a small penance.